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JENTREK ROJOIMO WONOSOBO, jawa tengah indonesia, Indonesia
Ya Allah jadikan kami manusia yang bisa keluar dari belenggu “kemunafikan”. Bimbing kami untuk tidak mengoreksi orang lain sebelum diri ini terkoreksi ya Rabb. Jadikan kami manusia yang jujur dan tidak pernah membohongi diri sendiri apalagi orang lain. kepadaMulah kami berserah ya Allah, kepadaMulah kami bermohon karena tanpa kehendakMu kami tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa Affannur Jentrek rojoimo wonosobo . lahir13 Agustus 1989

Kamis, 28 April 2011

by affannur Jentrek Rojoimo WOnosobo
1.Requirement for your computer system
1.1 Operation system: Windows9X/Me/2000;
1.2 CPU: 486 or later;
1.3 RAM: minimum 32 (MB);
Hard disk: 1GB
1.4 Monitor display: 800X600
2.1 Insert the Software CD disc into CD-ROM, the setup program will run automatically. You can also click start->run button to run program Setup.exe in CD Disc. The screen will display as:
2.2 Click NEXT, the License Agreement is shown, click YES to continue installation;
2.3 The default destination folder of installation is C:\ARTCUT6. If you want to change the destination folder, please click BROWSE button to choose new folder.
2.4 After choosing destination folder, click NEXT and the following dialog box is shown. There are 3 options of installation:
- Standard: Files of essential program, and files of help;
- Compact: Essential program files;
- Custom: Files of essential program (necessary). Other components you would like to install;
2.5 Click NEXT to continue installation until the screen displays:
2.6 Click FINISH to end setup
At some point you will be asked to insert the CD.
This means the second CD (the one with 'Graphic Disc' on it)
To set up the plotter click 'cut plot'

Initially there will not be device in the blue panel.

Select 'Device' and the following list is shown. Select 'others' from the left hand menu, then select HPGL and then click Add

Click 'Close' and you should now be able to select HPGL, also change the link to USB
Finally, select 'Setup'
Make the selections the same as this:

Finally select 'change'
Then select OK. Confirm the change. You should now be able to use the cutter.

Chapter 2 Basics
The Basics is an explanation of how to use basic Artctut/Artgrave commands,icons and techniques to get start using Artcut/Artgrave. You should understand the basic first, then continue to familiarize yourself with the program.
Title Bar
Displays the name of the program and file name you are currently working on.
Menu Bar
Cllick on a menu category to access a list of commands. .
Icon Bar
Display the Icons to access most of the Artcut/Artgrave commands. Press and hold the mouse on the icon, the description will be displayed.
Use as a reference for positioning.
Slide Bars
Standard Windows type slide bars which are used to shift the view of screen.
Status Line
Information about the currently selected command.
Working Area
Also known as the layout or window.

Method of selecting object:
1, Dragging a frame to select:
Press and hold left button of mouse, drag the mouse to get a blue frame. All objects inside and on the border of this frame would be selected after you release the mouse.
2, Click to select objects:
Move the mouse to the wanted object, click left button of mouse, the object will be selected.
3, Dragging a frame while pressing Ctrl Key to select:
Press and hold Ctrl Key in keyboard, then Press and hold left button of mouse, drag the mouse to get a blue frame. Only the objects inside of this frame would be selected after you release the mouse.
4, Multi-Click to select objects:
1) Move the mouse to the wanted object, click left button of mouse to select this object.
2) Press and hold Shift Key in keyboard, move the mouse to another wanted object, click left button of mouse to select the different object.
3) Redo the above step 2, you can select multiple objects.
Master selected status and Slave selected status
If more than one objects are selected, only one of the selected objects is called master selected status. The other selected objects we call slave selected status.
The master selected status is identified by a red cross in the center of the selected frame.
The two selected status is shown as bellow:
The Typesetting Objects in Working Area
There are 4 kinds of objects in The Software. Each of which is bordered by an oblong and can be moved or resized using mouse or keyboard.
1) Text Object: is a group of letters. You can edit this object in the following way:
- Add, delete and modify letters;
- Change the properties of the text in all or part;
- Convert Text Object into Graphics Object using tool bar.
2) Graphics Object: is made up by curves or lines and can be modifyed using Node Edit from Control Tool Bar;
3) Table Object: is a group of some cells of table. This object can be exported to cutter plotter or engraver directly;
4) Image Object: is imported from scanner or other files. Image Object could not be exported to cutter plotter/engraver directly, but only when it is converted using Graphics Convert Tool Bar of The Software.
The Status of Mouse Cursor
The Software defined deferent operation status of mouse cursor, which can be exchanged from each others.
a) Option Status: The cursor on screen is “+”, which is for choosing, moving or resizing objects using mouse or keyboard;
b) Text Input Status: The cursor on screen is “I”, which is for text inputting and editing using mouse or keyboard;
c) Graphics Import Status: The cursor will be different according to the being imported graphics, such as etc. You can press the left key of mouse keep on and drag the mouse to import graphics;
d) Node Edit Status: The cursor on screen is, which is for nodes editing using mouse or keyboard. The change of a graphics follows its nodes editing.

Chapter 3 START
1. Get in The Software
1.1 Select Program Menu from Start, Click WT Artcut or WT Artgrave .
1.2 At your first time entering WT Artcut software, the program will prompt to insert the CD disc of The Software to confirm the system.
2. Page size setting
1) Every time when the program is running, the following page size setting dialog box would display.
2) In this case, you can set the size according to your need. The software would auto separate layout in multiple pages to plot when the page size setting is beyond scope of the plot.
3) Click the arrow beside the text field to select various preset models with fix size, such as standard showing board, standard paper, etc.
4) You can set page size when the program is running. Select Page Size command from Option Menu or Click icon to get a dialogue panel as:
3. To Exit The Software system, there are 3 ways:
1) Click the exiting button on the top-right corner of the Main Window;
2) Choose Exit from File Menu;
3) Press hotkey Alt+F4.

CHAPTER 4 Icon Bars
This chapter describes the icon bars of the Artcut /Artgrave software.
1. Common Used Toolbar
a. New: make a new file
b. Open: open a file
c. Save: save current file
d. Cut: cut the selected group
e. Copy: copy the selected group to clipboard
f. Paste: insert the contents in clipboard into current working area
g. Multiple Copies
h. Paste along Path
i. Undo: cancel the latest option
j. Redo: repeat the latest canceled action
k. Trace: transfer a image to contours
l. Page Size: modify the size of a page
m. Print: print current file
n. Print preview: show what will get from print
o. Cut/Plot: export current file to cutter plotter/engraver
p. Redraw: renew display of the screen
q. About: display information about program
2. View Tool Bar
a. 2X Zoom in: 2 times zoom in (cursor center)
b. 2X Zoom Out : 2 times zoom out (cursor center)
c. Drawing box Zoom in: Once you select this command, press and hold the left mouse to create the area you want to zoom in upon, once you release the mouse, it will fill the screen with the selected area.
d. Move: Display the screen as the cursor being the center
e. Full Page: show the whole page on current screen
f. Previous View: return to the status previously displayed
g. Next View: repeat the status latest canceled
3. Font Tool Bar
a. Multi-languages for selection
b. Font Group: for selection (TTF or other kind of font)
c. Font Type: font name
d. Setting Font Parameter: shortcut icon, click to get a panel
e. Font Size-Height: for selection
f. Font Size-Width : for selection
g. Exact Size: adapt the selected text to the set value as better as possible
h. Border: add border to the selected text
i. Setting: define the parameter of selected fonts, such as italic, rotating etc.
j. Text Input: shortcut icon, click to get a panel
k. Align text left
l. Align text middle
m. Align text right
n. Align text fill
4. Control Tool Bar
a. Select Status
b. Text Input Status
c. Node Edit Status
d. Graphics Lib. I: show/hide
e. Graphics Lib. II: show/hide
f. Graphics Bar: show/hide
g. Table Bar: show/hide
h. Palette: show/hide and modify corresponding color scheme
i. Fill tool
j. Typesetting Arrange Bar: show/hidden
k. Align Tool Bar: show/hidden
l. Group: group the selected objects
m. Ungroup: Ungroup the selected objects to several graphics
n. Text ungroup: selected text block

Chapter 5 File Menu
The commands in the file menu are shown as bellow:
To start a new file.
To start a new Layout. Artcut/Artgrave software support opening more than one layout at a time.
To open an existing AC6 file. You can open a file from current directory(defaut: c:\artcut6),or from another directory. Double click on a file, Artcut will select the file and open it.
To close current layout. You will be prompted to save the layout if any changes were made since the last save or if it has not already been saved.
To save the current layout. If you are saving a file for the first time, the save file dialog box will be displayed. Refer to the Save As command for more information.
Save As
Choosing directory and file name to save current layout as a AC6 file.
To load a file from another programe.
From file type, you can select the desired file format, such as PLT, EPS, TXT, BMP, DXF/R12 etc.
To save Artcut/Artgrave AC6 file in other formats to be used by another program or application.
New Graph Lib:
It is Chinese traditional graph.
Select Twain_32 Source
Click “Select Twain_32 Source” from Files Menu, a dialog box displays your current twain source (scanner). You can select current using scanner.
Twain_32 Sanning
To get a dialog box of the selected Twain_32 scanner. You could scan image base on this dialog box. If the image file is 1 bit Bmp format, Image Tracing is more efficient.
 Image Tracing:
You could scan a image or load a existing image file. A 24 bits true color image will be transferred into 256 color automatically. A dialog Box displays as bellow, which shows the basic information of the image.
Click Next, a dialog box displays as bellow
If the image has fine quality, you could select No in front of Smooth, otherwise select Yes.
If the borders of the image mainly are straight lines, choose High for Intensity of Line Check. If they are curves, choose Low. Otherwise choose Common.
Choose High or Low for Accuracy of Curve for lower/higher scanning resolution or better/worse graphics. It is recommend to choose middle in most cases. Click OK, then the Software
Stripe Image
This function is for making large breadth images with hazy effect using cutter plotter.
Click Strip Image from File Menu to display a dialog box for selecting object image. Select the object image and Click Open, a dialog box displays basic information of the image. Click Next to get a dialog box as bellow:
a in front of Add Frame means that an outside border will be added on created striping graphics. The image remaining on the paste after pulling the frame off is positive film. The pulled part is negative. An in front of Reversal to get reverse result of that mentioned above in this item.
Click Finish to get a striped image.
Print/Print preview/Printer Setup
The print command is convenient, especially separate printing a layout to papers at random size.
Click print icon to set print parameters, then click print, or Click print preview icon from Common tool bar to get a dialog box as bellow:
- 1:1 means output by the actual size of typesetting set.
- All Page means printing the layout on a paper.
- Random means that the printing ratio can be set by user.
Contour: output of outlines only.
Forbid separate page: Print the layout to fit in one paper.
Click OK to start printing.
Cut/Plot: See chapter 15 “Cut/plot”
To Engraver/Router: command. Of Artgrave software only.
To Laser Engraver: command. Of Artgrave software only.
Save tool path to filecommand. Of Artgrave software only.
Horizontal Cut Line/Vertical Cut Line
Set a horizontal line or vertical line to separate the current layout to multiple parts. In Cut/Plot dialog box, each part is in different area. That is means the separating part could be plot separately.

Chapter 6 Edit Menu
To choose one of the editing commands, choose the command from the Edit menu, or click on the Icon. When selecting a command from Edit menu, click on Edit, then drag the cursor down to the desired command.

To reverse your most recent action. It may be chosen as many as 8 times to undo previous editing operations.
Use the Redo command to reverse any operation changed by the Undo command. You can continue select the Redo command.
Text Input
Change cursors to text input status. After choosing the Text Input, you could move the mouse and select anywhere in the working area to input text.
Change cursors to select status. After choosing the Select statuse, you could move the mouse to the object and click to select the object, or drag a square to select more than one objects.
Node edit
Selecting object first. When you choose the Node Edit command, the selected object will be shown node edit status.
Redraw the current lauout.
Press and hold the mouse, drag to display the distance from start point to current point..
Delete the selected objects or texts.
Delete Tool path
It is command of artgrave software. Delete the Tool Path of the selected objects.
Use the Cut command to remove the selecting group or objects and place the selecting group or objects into Clipboard.
Use the Copy command or click icon to place the selecting group or objects into Clipboard.
Use the Paste command or click icon to paste the last group or object that was cut or copied to the clipboard into your current layout or a new one. You can copy or cut a group from a layout and use the Paste command to place the group as many times as needed.
Use this command to create horizontal and vertical copies at the same time. You can set the number of horizontal and vertical copies as well as the space between each copy.
Paste along path
Use this command to paste a object along a selecting path which could be an Arc, Curve etc. Example:
This function is mainly for making various laceworks. Here is an example of pasting small triangle onto a circle.
1, Draw small triangle and circle as at first.
2, Drag a box to make the small triangle selected and copy it onto clipboard.
3, Make the circle selected, then click Paste along Path from Edit Menu to get a dialogue panel as:
4, Set 20 for Paste Number, 0 to Baseline. Click OK, the result will be :
5, Repeat the step 3, select 180 to Baseline and click OK.
6, Drag a box to select the circle and all the triangles on the circle, then click Weld from Advanced Menu, the result will be shown as
Use this command to place the selecting contours into a group.
Use this command to remove contours from a selecting group.

Chapter 7 View Menu
The commands available in the View menu have to do with the view or display of information in a layout. You can also click on the icon to select a common used view command. The View menu commands list as bellow:
Show fills
Normally, the input texts or graphs are shown as contour text. After selecting Show fills, the text and graphs are shown as bellow:
Tool bars Option
Displays a dialog box to show you all kinds of Icon/Bars. Check to select what kind of icon bar you want to shown in the window.
Show and hide the status line.
Show and hide the rulers.
Fit on window
To display all of the current layout on the window.
2X Zoom In /2X Zoom Out
Select the 2x Zoom In/Zoom out command or click icon showed above, the cursor will be in status as or .
Move cursor on the wanted object and click, the object will be 2 times zoom in/out at the center position where the cursor was. Continually click is acceptable.
Hot keys: F9/F10.
Drawing box Zoom In
Select this command or click icon , the cursor will be as. Move cursorinto working area, then press and hold left key of mouse and drag a box. All contents in the box will be display on the screen.
Full Page
Select this command or Click icon to display full page on window.
Hot key is F8.
Previous view/Next View
Previous view /Next view : display the result before/after a view operation.
Move page: Click icon from Resizing Tool Bar, the cursor will be as . Move cursor into working area (page), then click to move the page, the contents will display centered by the position where the cursor is.
Maximum View: Click Ultimate View from View Menu to display all contents of the page on the screen. Hot key: F7.
Horizontal/Vertical fill: Click it in zoom item from View Menu to display horizontal/vertical contents of page on the screen.
Fixed Proportion: Click Ratio from View Menu to display page in selected fixed proportion.
Random Proportion: Click Random Display from View Menu to show page in setting proportion.
Show and hide Grid.
Show and hide baseline.

Chapter 8 Text Menu

To choose one of the Text commands, choose the command from the Text menu, or click on the Icon. When selecting a command from Text menu, click on Text, then drag the cursor down to the desired command.
Horizontal Text (rightward)
1, Original horizontal text (rightward)
2, Press space key once to rotate the text 90 degree automatically
3, Press space key once more to rotate the text 180 degree automatically
4, Press space key once more to rotate the text 270 degree automatically
Horizontal Text (leftward),
Vertical Text (rightward),
Vertical Text (leftward)
The different text style is shown as bellow.
1, Horizontal Text (rightward)
2, Horizontal Text (leftward),
3, Vertical Text (rightward),
4, Vertical Text (leftward)
Path Text
Arc Text
1, Make cursor in choosing status “+”, select the text block. Click Arc Text from Text Menu, the dialog box is shown as :
2, Set parameters: (a) Not Rotate; (b)-(d) Rotate.
3, Proportion spaces between letters/words: Click to choose the option button in front of Distribute Spaces Method.
4, Align Style
1) Center: comparing the center point of words;
2) Inner: comparing the left-down point of words.
5, From left to right/from right to left: Fill/deletein the check box of Left to Right.
6, Spread up: Click the check box of Arc Open to Top to fill , then the curve spreads upward, along which the letters will line up.
7, Width and height: set the curve, unit: mm. Modify font properties of letters in curve arrangement:
1) Make cursor in Text Input Status as “I”, press and hold the left key of mouse, move mouse to select the wanted text.
2)Modify the parameters on Font Bar.
8, Modify the radian of curve without changing the letters/words:
1) Make cursor in Selection Status, click text, then the curve is selected and around by a red dotted line oblong.
2) Press SHIFT key and make cursor in Selection Status as “+”. Choose the wanted text. Move cursor onto random node point (red point). Press left key of mouse keep on, and move the mouse, the curve will be changed. Meanwhile, the letters arranged by curve will be changed accordingly.
While drag red point to get the result as (C) , the dialog box must be canceled.
9 Circle Path. Click + from (C) of F5-19, then the result will be as F5-20.
The curve became a circle with two small oblongs. Press small oblong to move and adjust position of letters/words along this circle.
Letters line up along straight line, Bezier, curve, circle etc. is also available. Here is another example along a circle.
(1). Draw a circle and input letters “HELLO WORLD” which is shown as (A).
(2). Select the circle, then press and hold SHIFT key on keyboard to select “HELLO WORLD”.
(3). Click Arc Text from TEXT MENU to get a dialog box. After setting parameters, press Apply to get the result as (B) .
Gradually Change????

Bold, Get Inline/Outline together, Outline
The result of the commands is shown bellow:
Convert Text to Graph
Use this command to change texts to graph. If changing to graph contour, you can not use font size to modify their size.
There are three options:
1, one row of the texts are joint as a group
2, each word are joint as a group
3, each contour is separated alone
Font Size, Font Style
Use these commands to set size and font type of the selecting texts. Click on font type, then drag the cursor down, you can see the sample of font type.
Align Horizontal
Align Vertical
Equal Space and Forbid
Text Input
Use this command or click icon from Font Tool Bar to get a text input dialog box as:
Move the cursor into the input area, click left button of mouse and the cursor become as “I”.
Type “HELLO” and so on. After the inputting completed, click OK, then the text “HELLO” would be on the layout.
Text files, such as Notpade, Word, etc. could also be pasted to this text input dialog box.
Break apart
Use this command to break texts to several part. After Break apart, you can also use font size to modify size of the text.
There are three options to break apart.

Chapter 9 Graph Menu
To choose one of the Graph commands, choose the command from the Graph menu, or click on the Icon. When selecting a command from Graph menu, click on Graph, then drag the cursor down to the desired command.
Use this command to reset the size of selecting group or objects.
Use this command to reset the size of graph. Text is not available.
Add Box
Use this command to add a box border to a selecting graph. The Text group is not available.
Use this command to smooth a selecting graph (contour).
Get Centerline
Use this command to get the central line of a selecting graph (contour).
Use this command to draw a line in working area. Press and hold the left button of mouse, move the mouse to draw a line. If press Shift key in keyboard at same time, you can get a horizontal line. If press Ctrl key in keyboard at same time, you can get a vertical line.
Use this command to draw a rectangle in working area. Press and hold the left button of mouse, move the mouse to draw a rectangle. If press Shift key in keyboard at same time, you can get a square.
Use this command to draw a oval in working area. Press and hold the left button of mouse, move the mouse to draw a oval. If press Shift key in keyboard at same time, you can get a circle.
Use this command to draw an arc in working area. Press and hold the left button of mouse, move the mouse to draw an arc.
Use this command to draw a polygon in working area. Press and hold the left button of mouse, move the mouse to draw a polygon.
Concentric border
Use this command to draw other useful graph like star, round rectangle, Bezier, Fan etc..
Draw Circle Setting
Use this command, the dialog box will be displayed as:
1. Click to check box of Ellipse not Rotated to delete the , then click OK.
2. Choose Rectangle , press and hold the left button of mouse,move mouse in working area to get a oval.
Press Shift key while moving mouse to get circle.

Chapter 10 Table Menu
To choose one of the Table commands from the Table menu. When selecting a command from Table menu, click on Table, then drag the cursor down to the desired command.
Table Bar
Select this command, the Table bar will be shown on the low-left of Main Window.
a. Create table, insert a new table
b. Merge table cells
c. Split cells
d. Insert rows
e. Insert columns
f. Delete rows: Delete the chosen part along horizon direction
g. Delete column: Delete the chosen part along vertical direction
New Table
Create a table. Click New Table from Table Menu to get a dialog box as :
Set values of rows number, columns number, line width and so on. Then click OK and the cursor will be as.
If Defined Cell Size was not selected (withoutin check button), press and hold left button of mouse and drag a rectangle which is the wanted table size. Otherwise click mouse to get the table.
Change size of table:. In table selected status, move cursor to any of the 8 red dots on the border, press and hold the left button, drag mouse to resize the table, the size of table will be changed.
Merge Cells
Move the cursor in the table, the cursor will become as . Press and hold the left button of mouse and drag to make the wanted cells dark. Click Merge Cells from Table Menu, then the selected cells will be merged.
Split Cells
Select the wanted cells first. Click Split Cells from Table Menu, the dialog box displays as Set the number of rows, columns. Click OK to get wanted result.
Insert Rows/Columns
Select the wanted cell, then click Insert Rows (or Columns) from Table Menu.
Delete Rows/Columns
Select the wanted row or column, then click Delete Rows (or Columns) from Table Menu.
Change Space
Select the wanted cell. Click Change Space from Table Menu to get a dialog box as:
Set the value of width and choose changed position using down arrow of the field Position.

Chapter 11 Align Menu
To choose one of the Align commands from the Align menu. When selecting a command from Align menu, click on Align, then drag the cursor down to the desired command.
Method of selecting object:
1, Dragging a frame to select:
Press and hold left button of mouse, drag the mouse to get a blue frame. All objects inside and on the border of this frame would be selected after you release the mouse.
2, Click to select objects:
Move the mouse to the wanted object, click left button of mouse, the object will be selected
3, Dragging a frame while pressing Ctrl Key to select:
Press and hold Ctrl Key in keyboard, then Press and hold left button of mouse, drag the mouse to get a blue frame. Only the objects inside of this frame would be selected after you release the mouse.
4, Multi-Click to select objects:
1) Move the mouse to the wanted object, click left button of mouse to select this object.
2) Press and hold Shift Key in keyboard, move the mouse to another wanted object, click left button of mouse to select the different object.
3) Redo the above step 2, you can select multiple objects.
Master selected status and Slave selected status
If more than one objects are selected, only one of the selected objects is called master selected status. The other selected objects we call slave selected status.
The master selected status is identified by a red cross in the center of the selected frame.
The two selected status is shown as bellow:
Same Size
Multiple objects are selected. Force the objects in slave selected status to the same size with the master selected object. There are 3 options: Equal Width, Equal High, Equal All.
Objects Horizontal Left
Objects Horizontal Right
Objects Horizontal Center
The following figure displays the above Alignment. The objects in slave selected status will be forced to align with the master selected object.

Objects Vertical Top
Objects Vertical Bottom
Objects Vertical Middle
The following figure displays the above Alignment. The objects in slave selected status will be forced to align with the master selected object.
To Page Horizontal Center
Use the command to move all selected objects to Horizontal Center.
To Page Vertical Middle
Use the command to move all selected objects to Vertical Middle.
Equal Horizontal Space
Equal Vertical Space
Use the commands to move three or up selected objects equal the horizontal/vertical space.
Objects Align Center
Use this command to move all slave selected objects to align center with the master selected object.
Circle Align Center
Use this command to move all slave selected circle to align center with the master selected circle.
Bring to Front/Next Layer/Previous Layer/Send to Bottom
Use these command to move the selected object to desired layer.
Back Object: Layer #3
Middle object: Layer #2
Front Object: Layer #1

Chapter 12 EDIT NODES
To choose one of the Align commands from the Align menu. When selecting a command from Align menu, click on Align, then drag the cursor down to the desired command.
Choose the wanted text objects or graphics, then click icon from Control Tool Bar, the selected objects will display node-editing status and a Node Edit Toll Bar will appear as below:
The wanted objects must be chosen at first! Otherwise, the operation will be failed.
a. Add: add a point on a line segments
b. Delete: delete the selected point
c. Joint: Joint two selected points to one point
d. Cut: a curve into two parts
e. Link: two broken node with a line segments
f. Auto Close: link the head and end of an unclosed curve
g. Change into Straight Line: the selected curve is changed into straight line
h. Change into Curve: the selected straight line is changed into curve
i. Sharp: move control node to make its neighboring node sharp
j. Smooth: move control node to make its neighboring node smooth
k. Symmetrization: move control node to make its neighboring node symmetrical
l. Auto Curtail Nodes: describe curve made up of more control nodes using less nodes
m. Straight: change selected straight line segments into horizon or vertical
n. Curve Angle: add a curve between two straight lines segments
o. Sharpen Angle: change a curve into two straight lines segments
p. Align: selected nodes in horizontal or vertical direction
q. Extend: chosen straight line segments on to assigned curve
r. Break: two selected curves along their intersected nodes
1. Choose nodes
1.1 Method I: Press and hold left button of mouse and drag to get a box., all nodes in the box will be selected.
1.2 Method II: Click to select a wanted node. Press and hold the SHIFT key in keyboard, click to select multiple points.
The selected points will become small red dots.

2. Functions of editing nodes
2.1 Move a point: Get the cursor on wanted node in Edit Node status, then press and hold left key of mouse and drag the mouse, the node will be moved as (B). It is also available to use direction keys of keyboard to do this operation. If two points of a line segments have been moved, then the position of this line have been moved too.
2.2 Selecting the middle of a line will turn that line to an arc.
2.3 Add/delete a node. Click to select a wanted point or position where want to add a point, then click “+” or “-” from Node Edit Tool bar to add or delete a node. See (C) and (D).
1. For editing more then one nodes, you may use method of dragging box to choose them or at first choose one node, then press SHIFT to choose others, then click “+” or “-” from Node Edit Tool Bar. Refer to F.
2. It is the meaning of adding a new line or deleting the line that add or delete two nodes on a line.
Change a straight line into curve. Click the wanted line , press and hold the left button on mouse, move the mouse to drag the line to an arc. See (E) and (F)
2.4 Change a curve into straight line. Click anywhere on the curve to select it, then click icon from Node Edit Tool Bar.
2.5 Link two chosen orphan nodes in one, the linked nodes will be the midpoint of the two linked lines.
In one block only.
2.6 Cut a selected node into two and move them to cut a line segments.
2.7 Link two orphan nodes using a straight line segments click icon from Node Edit Tool Bar or Join Using Line from NodeEdit Menu, see the result as :
Make two connected lines into right-angle. Click icon from Node Edit Tool Bar or Right Angel from NodeEdit Menu..
3.10 Move the control points of a node on a curve to change its shape.
Move the control point of a node on a curve to make the curve smooth. Meanwhile keep the related control point at the other side of the node, the node on a straight line.
In Smooth status
3.11 Move the control point of a node on a curve to keep the related control point at the other side of the node not only with the node and the point on a straight line but also keep their distance to the node is equal. In Sysmetry status
3.12 Change a sharp angle made up of two line segments into a curve angle. Here an example of an triangle is given.Click wanted node to make it red, click icon from
    Node Edit Tool Bar to get a panel as F11-8.
    - Absolute Radius: the value of wanted curve.
    - Relative Radius: a value from the shorter rim of the two rims taking the radius of wanted curve as coefficient apex multiplied the assigned modulus.
    - Error Radius: the maximum value of error between the radius of wanted curve and its connected apex. Please refer to
    3.13 Sharp: Click selected node, then click icon from Node Edit.Tool Bar to make selected curve into an angle with weo straight lines as
    If the result is not satisfied, please click Undo from Common Used Tool Bar.
    3.14 Align nodes. Choose wanted nodes, then click icon from Node Edit Tool Bar to get a panel as F11-10.
    3.15 Curtail nodes
    3.15.1 In choose status click starting point os selected object,then press SHIFT and click its end point, or click icon from Node Edit Tool Bar,then click the point everywhere between starting and end points to get a dialogue panel as.The value in which is random. The more larger the value is, the more nodes are deleted and the more graphics is changed.
    3.15.2 After the steps above, click OK and the graphics with curtailed nodes, which is easy for further modifying.
    3.16 Auto smooth. This function is used for making larger letters and more complex graphics to eliminate the saw-tooth-like edge (anti-alias). Click wanted object into editing nodes status and press left key to drag box to choose the wanted nodes.The selected nodes will become red.Click icon from Node Edit ToolBar to get a panel as F11-12. Set that operate smooth when included angle of tangent line is larger than 100 degree;the error is 1 mm. Click OK, the ring graphics will smooth as (B) of F11-12
    If the result is not satisfied, please click Undo from Common Used Tool Bar.

    Chapter 13 ADVANCED

    When selecting a command from Advance menu, click on Advance, then drag the cursor down to the desired command.
    Use this command to move the selected object to an exact position in current working layout.
    Make the wanted object selected first, then select this command from Advance menu, the dialog box displays as bellow:
    There are two options:
    The relative position means move the object to destination position from the current position.
    The exact position means move the object to the destination position from the original of layout.
    Use this command to reset the size of the selected object.
    Make the wanted object selected first, then select this command from Advance menu, the dialog box displays as bellow:
    The original size of the selected object is shown in the dialog box. You can enter data in Width and Height to set the new size. Or Enter data of Ratio to set a new size. If Equal Ratio is checked, the program always makes ratio of horizontal and vertical same. If Keep Original is checked, the original object will be keep down after running this command.
    Use this command to rotate the selected object.
    Make the wanted object selected first, then select this command from Advance menu, the dialog box displays as bellow:
    There are two options:
    If Manual is selected, you can press and hold left button of mouse to drag mouse to rotate the selected object.
    If the Defined Angle is selected, the selected object will be rotate at the setting angle.
    If Keep Original is checked, the original object will be keep down after running this command.
    Use this command to mirror the selected object.
    Make the wanted object selected first, then select this command from Advance menu, the dialog box displays as bellow:
    There are four options:
    You can select the method of mirror in Horizontal, Vertical, Defined Angel, Random.
    If the Defined Angle is selected, the selected object will do mirror at the setting angle.
    If Manual is selected, you can press and hold left button of mouse to drag mouse to set the mirror line.
    If Keep Original is checked, the original object will be keep down after running this command.
    Use this command to tilt the selected object.
    Make the wanted object selected first, then select this command from Advance menu, the dialog box displays as bellow:
    Check the Horizontal ,or Vertical, or check them together to do slope.
    If Keep Original is checked, the original object will be keep down after running this command.
    Exact Locate
    Make the wanted object selected first, then select this command from Advance menu, the dialog box displays as bellow:
    This command is similar with the above commands of Resize and Move.
    Distort 1
    The Software is offering several kinds of distort:
    1, Cylinder change: The effect on vision is that text put on a column and view focus is at the center.
    2, Cone change: The effect on vision is that text put on a cone and the view focus is at the center.
    3, Sphere change: The effect on vision is that text put on a sphere and the view focus is at the center.
    4, Ring change: The effect on vision is that the arrangement
    1. Select the wanted text group or graphics.
    2. Click Perspective from Advanced Menu, the cursor will become arrow as.
    3. Move the arrow to one of 4 points on the selected frame, press and hold the left key of the mouse and drag the mouse. Release mouse to finish perspective change and the result as (B)
    Distort 2
    1. Choose wanted objects, click Distort 2 from Advanced Menu to get a dialog box as
    2. Click up or down arrows, or drag to move horizontal roll bar, or enter the Type Number to select the graphics of wanted type. If you want to keep down original graphics, fill in check button of Keep Original.
    3. Move cursor to Size to set value.
    4. Move cursor to Ratio to set value. The result of an example taking graphics type number 62 as (B)
    Separate Effect 1
    The Software offers 3 kinds of method to separate a selected object: with line, rectangle and oval. The divided parts can be selected separately. Take method of split with line for example:
    1, Click to Select the wanted object.
    Select the command Separate1 with Line from Advanced Menu. The cursor become .
    2, Move the cursor at start point of the selected block, press and hold left key of mouse and drag to the end point of the line.
    3, The contour of the selected object is divided in two parts by the line.
    Separate Effect 2
    These command is similar with the command of separate1. They are the 3 different methods of dividing objects by parallel, ring and rays. The example result is shown as:
    Weld / Common / Exclude common /Cut out
    These are useful commands to help you design a work.
    Use this command to get inner line or outline of selected the object.

    Chapter 14 Options

    Choose one of the Options commands from the Options menu. When selecting a command from Options menu, click on Options, then drag the cursor down to the desired command.
    Page Size
    Use this command to set the size of current working layout.
    Use this command to set horizontal/vertical guide line in current working layout. It is convenient to design your work.
    Use this command to set the snap option.
    Use this command to Lock/Unlock Selected object or guide line. If an object or guide line is selected, all the edit command like move, delete etc are void. If you want to edit the locked object, you should unlock it first.
    Grid Options
    Use this command to set the grid options.
    Auto Save
    The software can save your current design to a temple file automatically. Use this command to set time of auto saving.
    Multi Pages
    Use this command to set or cancel multiple pages working mode. You can select the different page on low right of the screen.
    Other Language
    Use this command to set the supporting language.
    Custom Graph Libs
    Use this command to choose your own graph libs.
    Graph Lib Management
    Use this command to create and edit your own graph libs.
    Define Origin
    Use this command to set the origin of current working layout. Press and hold the left key of mouse, drag mouse to set origin in any position on the working layout. The software will set origin at center or one of the four points of page according to the nearest distance.
    Axis Direction
    Use this command to set axis direction.

    Chapter 15 Cut / PLOT
    Click Cut/Plot icon from Common Used Tool Bar or select the Cut/Plot command from File Menu to get a dialog box as bellow:
    1, Device: Click the button to select the name of cutter plotter from the list to match your cutter plotter. First, select the manufacturer and model type of the cutter plotters from scroll panel. If you could not find the name of your machine in the list panel, please contact your dealer, or confirm the commands set are HPGL or DMPL, then choose relative items.
    For example:ROLAND CM-24.
    1) Click Roland from Manufacturers panel, then all models of Roland appear in Device Model.
    2) Click ROLAND CM-24 ,
    3) Click Add, this model of cutter plotters will be in box of Selected device.
    4) Click Close to exit.
    5) The CM-24 is now added in Plot dialog box. You can see ROLAND CM-24 in the panel.
    6) We set it as current equipment.
    2, Link to: to set communication port as Com1, com2 or LPT1.
    3, “Set up” button: to set parameters of communication port.
    1) Set compensation. Click Compensation from Set up to get a dialog box as bellow:
    2) Click “Plotter compensation” to display the following dialog box:
    For some kind of cutter plotter, it is necessary to set compensation for the purpose of making cut letters more smoother. In The Software, there are two kinds of compensation: Close and Sharp Angle compensation. Generally, the compensation value is between 3 mm to 5 mm.
    Plotting Accuracy: it is the precision of plotting. Choosing Low is recommend.
    3) Vinyl Size:
    a) This function is used to set the largest width, length of cutter plotter.
    b) Set the resolution of cutter plotters
    c) Set the coordinates .
    4, Vinyl size: Set the current using vinyl size.
    5, Page size: the page size of software for current design.
    6, Start position: Set the start plotting position in vinyl. You can see the objects for plotting in displaying area. Move the mouse on the object, press and hold left button of mouse to drag the object to any position in vinyl. Or enter the data to set position directly.
    7, Plot Area:
    1) Page No.: If your design work is only one page, this item should be 1. If you select “Multi pages” from Option Menu, you can choose page number of your design work to plot.
    2) Area: If design page size is lager than vinyl size, the software will automatically separate to plot in multiple area. You can select the desired area to plot.
    3) Overlap: If plot in multiple areas, this option will leave overlap of blank at the borders of separated pages, in order to paste them up without gap.
    8, Output Ratio: Enlarge or shrink the width and height of whole output layout page by selected value in proportion.
    9, Preview: if you move the object,you should click preview to renewthe display.
    10, The icon commands from left to right are: Mirror, Rotation, Add Group border, Add Text Border, Margins.
    11, Margins: there are two working mode. Save Paper means the program set the starting position to plot object from the start point of the objects. In this way, the vinyl is saved. Otherwise, you can select Normal mode.
    12, Sort Plotting: Select this potion to change the cutting sequence. The program will cut from left to right, moving from top to bottom.
    13, Plot by color: If the design is set in multiple colors, you can select one of the color to Plot alone, or select all colors to plot together.
    14, Copies: Set horizontal and Vertical Copies number to duplicate plotting.
    15, Dash Line: To plot contours in dash line mode. It is useful to cut paper, not vinyl.
    16, Test: Press this button to cut a small square in vinyl if the cable is connected correct, and parameters of communication port is set correct.
    17, Cut/Plot:: Press this button, the dialog box is displayed as bellow, press start to plot.
    If the dash line is checked, press cut/plot button to get the following dialog box, you can set the Real Length and the Space Length before start plotting.
    18, Close: Exit to main window.